
Naas Osteopaths - Reflux and your baby

What is Reflux and should you be concerned?

Reflux is a common occurrence in baby’s and normally begins around 8 weeks of age and gradually improves as the baby gets older. Reflux occurs when some of the contents of the baby’s tummy return back up into their mouth. This usually occurs because the baby’s food pipe (oesophagus) is still growing and developing. The ring of muscle at the bottom of the oesophagus develops over time and this will prevent stomach foods from leaking out. It is a common and usually affects up to 40% of babies.

Signs and symptoms

Your baby may show no signs or they may show the following signs

- Regurgitating or spitting up milk during or after feeds.

- Refusing feeds, choking or gagging.

- Continuing hiccups or coughing.

- Excessive crying or crying while feeding.

- Repeated ear infections.

There is no real concern about reflux if your baby is feeding well, happy and gaining weight as normal.

When should i seek medical advice

Contact your GP, public health nurse or midwife if reflux starts after 6 months of age and continues beyond 1 year, or your baby has any of the following problems:

  • Spitting up feeds frequently or refusing feeds.

  • Coughing or gagging while feeding.

  • Frequent projectile vomiting.

  • Excessive irritability or crying.

  • Green or yellow vomit

  • Vomiting blood.

  • Blood in their faeces or persistent diarrhoea.

  • Swollen or tender tummy.

  • High temperature (fever) of 38C (degrees Celsius) or above.

  • Failure to gain much weight, or losing weight.

  • Arching of their back during or after a feed, or drawing their legs up to their tummy after feeding.

Osteopathy For Your Baby

Whilst reflux can be a common problem for babies it can also prove to be a distressing time for both mother and child. A careful expert assessment can often find where troubles occur with feeding and offer advice on what can be done about it.

This can often be common sense advice or working in conjuction with other professionals like the lactation consultant and tongue tie specialists. Osteopathy may help the neck and diaphragm of baby relax, so that feeding time is more comfortable and efficient. The digestive system generally responds to soothing and relaxation , so that milk is naturally absorbed and processed.

A combined professional approach can often lead to a breakthrough for feeding comfort and success, allowing parents and baby to relax. To find out more information get in touch with us at Naas Osteopaths by emailing us at